Halloween is one of the oldest parties in the world, guest of honour mostly in North America and Canada. In Europe is less heard, but lately is growing because the new generations are more educated to this kind of party. In Austria the tradition is allow some bread, water and a lit light to welcome the dead persons. In Belgium the custom is switch candles in their memory, while in Slovacchia the chairs are situated in front of fireplace, one for each family member, alive or dead. In Germany the knives are set fown to ensure that the spirits don't hurt. In England is widespread the typical trick or treat, but in Ireland the traditions are still rooted. The bonfires are lit and children dress up.After they and the adults going to some parties. A food that is often consumed is the ''barnbrack'' (cake of fruit). In Sweden is celebrated from thirty one October to 6th of november, while in Italy and in France this party is only seen as an americanisation.
In China, food and water are placed in front of the relatives' photos, while the lanterns are lit to illuminate the spirits' paths. In Mexico the relatives ancestors decorate their coffins with flowers. The word ''Halloween'' represents a Scottish variant full name ''All Hallows' Eve''. Not all people know that the party of Halloween doesn't born in America. Halloween corresponds to Samhain, the Celtic new year. It was also known as ''party of the sun''. Death was the main theme, in tune with was happening in the nature: in winter seems to be silent while the ground is renewed, where lie the dead. The Celts believed that Samhain has passed to himself all spirits that were blessed in TIR NAN ONGE, a kind of paradise.
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